
Esta passagem fez-me lembrar o nosso primeiro ministro. A Filosofia do Sócrates Grego e do Português cruzam-se.
Ao que parece o nosso chegou mais longe tendo arranjado um exemplo real de como os seus parentes não são exemplos de excelência moral.
O monte de sarilhos de ter um tio como o Sócrates é agora considerado pior do que casar com um muçulmano na escala de Policarpo.
Na escala de Marcelo aparece equiparado a ser militante do PSD nos dias que correm.

Ora como se não bastasse esta semelhança, ao ser questionado sobre o caso Freeport o nosso Sócrates respondeu com a eterna frase do Grego: Só sei que nada sei.

Continuei a ler e quando vi que o Grego tinha morrido por beber cicuta percebi porque é que o António Costa, o Ferro Rodrigues e o Paulo Pedroso perguntaram se não tinha disso aqui na Tasca.
E eu a pensar que isso era whisky de Sacavém...

As ocupações em Inglaterra continuam

Continuam a ser ocupadas Universidades em Inglaterra com diversas exigências sendo uma delas comum: A solidarieadade para com o povo Palestiniano.

Como felizmente este movimento tem crescido muito, criaram um site oficial dos movimentos de ocupação que podem encontrar em:

Bye bye Geir Haarde

O primeiro-ministro islandês anunciou ontem a queda do Governo. A crise deixou o país à beira da falência' há cerca de quatro meses mas nos últimos dias os protestos tenderam a aumentar levando à renúncia do primeiro-ministro Geir Haarde.
Como diria um Capitalista que cnheço, em tempos de crise a boa moeda afasta a má moeda, ou seja, o povo afastou os que (des)governavam a ilha modelo do ideal Capitalista.

Sinais dos tempos...pode ser que por cá surja um movimento FREEPORTugal...mas peço-vos para não elegerem o seu mais que provável substituto o edil da Capital que vai sorrindo nos bastidores.

Manchester Met occupied

Também a Manchester Met foi oucupada seguem-se as suas exigências:

1) Issue a public statement condemning Israel's attack on Palestinian educational institutions, including the bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza, and encourage your colleagues in the other Universities to issue a similar call.

2) Establish an emergency fund for Palestinians students from Gaza and waive their tuition fees to support their efforts to acquire an education.

3) Waive all application & tuition fees from students coming from Palestine and create scholarships specifically available for Palestinian students.

4) To build links with Palestinian universities.

5) Divest MMU funds from all firms contributing to the Israeli war effort.

6) To create a proper memorial to Tom Hurndall, a MMU student murdered by the Israeli Occupation forces in Gaza.

7) To sever all academic links with Israeli institutions that don’t oppose the continued occupation of Palestine.

8) That the Students’ Union should allow political posters to be displayed on its windows/noticeboards/walls.

9) That no military recruiters should be allowed on campus.

10) That the University should boycott Coca-Cola and stop the sale of it in all its outlets.

Começou ontem a ocupação podem seguir o blog:

Caso Isaltino: Autarca e restantes arguidos começam a ser julgados a 26 de Fevereiro

O Tribunal de Oeiras agendou para 26 de Fevereiro a primeira sessão do julgamento do processo judicial que envolve o presidente da Câmara de Oeiras, Isaltino Morais, disse hoje à Lusa fonte do Conselho Superior de Magistratura.

A partir de 26 de Fevereiro estreia mais uma revista á portuguesa no Tribunal de Oeiras.
A não perder porque esta tem um elenco de luxo e a Tasca já tem credencial para a primeira fila.
Acredito na justiça, tal como acredito que mesmo preso o Isaltino ganha as eleições com a sua candidatura independente.
Quanto mais não seja porque domina também o PSD-Oeiras cujo coordenador político é o ex-mandatário da juventude do movimento independente Isaltino Oeiras Mais á Frente e assessor do famoso autarca modelo.
Oeiras é parecido com Felgueiras...uns têm contas na Suiça, outros constroem sedes para o partido.
É o modelo de autarcas que temos, que elegemos e que merecemos.
Ler aqui

Newcastle University: It´s spreading like a virus

Os estudantes da Universidade de Newcastle foram hoje convocados a ocupar o Campus como forma de protesto pelo bombardeamento de Gaza.
Segue o texto que circulou pos sms e mail.

"We are asking everyone and anyone to meet outside the students' union at midday for a march up to the university management office to hand in our demands, we will then start our occupation soon after. Please do send this onto all your friends, details of actually where the occupation is taking place will be released once the occupation begins so not to give Uni Security any warning."

Fuck Portugal Fight Everywhere: Venezuela

Também na Venezuela milhares de estudantes saíram á rua para se manifestar contra a posibilidade de Hugo Chávez se manter no poder ad eternum.

Vejam as noticias aqui

A Tasca do Chico é pela liberdade de expressão e condena a repressão exercida pelas autoridades Venezuelanas que inclusive tentaram passar a ideia que havia um camião cheio de molotovs pronto a ser usado pelos estudantes para incendiar Caracas.

O video dos Estudantes está aqui

Iceland or Fireland?

Os protestos na Islândia sobem de temperatura
Esta maravilha do Capitalismo que era para o Neo-Liberalismo o que Cuba era para os Comunistas transformou-se.
Cercaram o carro do Primeiro Ministro , atiraram-lhe ovos e bolas de neve, enquanto na baixa de Reikjavik as manifestações continuam e já vão dois dias de "riots".
A todos os que lutam de cara tapada fica a minha solidarieadade.
Eu sei que não são cobardes, vocês sabem que não são cobardes e isso a mim basta.
Sei que o lenço na cara é o uniforme dos excluídos.
Há muito que é assim.
Se o Capital não tem rosto, se nós nunca tivemos rosto para o Capital, porquê ter um agora?
O rosto da luta é o meu, o teu, o do gajo da mercearia, do pai, do filho, do tio, do atleta, do agarrado, do gordo, do magro, do preto, do branco...do Obama ou do Xanana who cares?
"It´s not the size of the men in the fight, but the size of the fight in the men."

E tu já fizeste a luta hoje? Porquê?

London School of Economics Solidarity with Gaza

É na LSE que o movimento está mais organizado e mobilizado com diversas acções ao longo destes 7 dias de ocupação que já passaram.

Este foi o comunicado que distribuiram:

“We are holding an occupation of our lecture theatre at the London School of Economics in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
We urge all students, all members of universities and schools: Tell your institutions, that we’re not going to stand and watch while the base hypocrisy of institutions, which educate people on one side of the world, and are complicit in the murder of people on the other side of the world, continues.

Tell your universities to disinvest from Israeli companies.

Tell them to send out statements in support of Gaza.
This movement has been compared with the beginning of the movement against South African Apartheid.
This is much bigger than that movement, because it comes at a time when student activism is dead. Apathy has reigned, but now the Israeli propaganda machine is broken.
They can no longer claim self-defence, they can no longer pretend to be the victims when we see images of dead children, of bombed hospitals, of bombed schools, in the news. It does not sit well with images of Gazans dying. Why are you here today? Are you here to defend Gaza? Because if you are, then forget about the so-called ceasefire that is going to happen.
It will mean nothing for the people of Gaza.
There is no point in saving the people of Gaza now, so that they can die in a month, in a year, when they do not have access to medical aid or to education.
We need to provide an end to the occupation. We need to liberate the people of Palestine.

And we urge all students: Forget NUS, forget the government. Stand up yourselves, and make a statement: Start the movement now. Show solidarity with the LSE occupation, show the government that people care about this issue, show the government that the age of apathy is dead. Now, this is the age of human rights, this is the age when we stand up for the people who have no voice, we are giving a voice to the silenced, and we are starting now.”

Acompanha em:

Oxford Occcupation in Solidarity with Gaza

Mais uma Universidade occupada em solidarieadade:

1) Statement
Oxford University should release a statement in support of the right of Palestinians to education and its support to the Palestinian Academic community. The University should condemn in particular the attack on the Islamic University in Gaza.

2) Divestment
Oxford University currently holds investments in BAE Systems, a firm that the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (caat.org.uk) states provides weapons and ammunition for the Israeli military. This means that our university is being directly funded by the Israeli war on Gaza. Oxford University must divest from BAE and other companies which supply arms to Israel.

3) 5 fully paid scholarships for Palestinian students.
Particularly after the attack on Gaza and the ongoing hardships suffered by Palestinians, Oxford University should offer 5 fully-funded scholarships to Palestinian students as a way to contribute to greater access to education for those affected by the conflict.

4) A cancellation lecture series inaugurated by Shimon PeresThe group demands that the Master of Balliol College cancel the lecture series that was inaugurated by the Israeli President Shimon Peres. It is not appropriate to have such a lecture series in light of the attack on Gaza and the ongoing siege.

5) Resources for Education.
The Oxford University should donate resources to, and support, the University and educational infrastructure that have been bombed in Gaza.

6) Right to Peaceful ProtestOxford University has a proud history of student activism.
Students united to campaign against apartheid, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. All students have a democratic right to peaceful protest and students should not be prevented from expressing their opinions by fear of reprisals.


1) Oxford University is the 8th University to go into occupation and joins SOAS, LSE, Warwick, Essex, Kings College London, Birmingham and Sussex universities.

2) The Oxford University occupation follows on from emergency meetings about Gaza and a well orchestrated protest in October 2007 against the decision of Balliol College, Oxford University, to inaugurate a lecture series in the name of Shimon Peres, president of Israel and responsible for atrocities against the Palestinian people.

Mais em:

School of Oriental and African Studies occupied

We, a coalition of SOAS students from many different backgrounds, have resolved to occupy the Brunei Gallery Suite.

In line with Student Union motions, our aims are the following:

To ensure that the SOAS director, in line with motion ‘A’ of the most recent UGM, issues a statement of condemnation regarding the recent atrocities in Gaza, as a result of the illegal 60-year occupation by the state of Israel.

To end the racist exhibition currently on display in the Brunei Gallery Suite. This exhibition ignores the reality of the ethnic minority experience within the British army, which was tainted by racism, forced conscription and colonialism.
This is inappropriate, especially given the current colonial occupation of Palestine.

To draw attention to the lack of student control over student facilities. Many SOAS-owned spaces, including the Brunei Gallery are currently subcontracted to Sodexo, which provides catering for Abu Ghraib, immigration detention centres in the UK, private prisons, military mess halls and other global facilities.
We intend to achieve our aims by raising awareness through the organisation of an alternative series of events including public talks, teach-ins and exhibits.

No damage will be inflicted upon the property – this is a peaceful occupation. The occupation is run democratically with regular meetings.Solidarity with the people of Palestine.

School of Oriental and African Studies student occupiers.

Acompanha em :

Sussex Warwick and Essex news

Também em Warwick há ocupação

Exigem o seguinte:

Warwick University should suspend all relations with companies which supply the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This includes BAE Systems, MBDA, QinetiQ and Rolls Royce.

That the University donate old computer equipment and textbooks to universities in Palestine, specifically those that were partially destroyed in Gaza during the current Israeli military operation.

That the University fund and provide logistical support for a series of talks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

That there be no legal, financial, or academic measures taken against anyone involved in or supporting the occupation. This extends to the Student Union. Students involved will be guaranteed free movement in and out of the occupied space.


respectivo blog:
Em Essex:

"We should use our position as a leading institution in the UK and Europe to help those who are facing suffering and oppression. The injustice committed reaches deeper than the siege. We are calling all students in this country and across the world to take similar actions and do whatever they can show their support for this cause."

Izzat Shamroukh

Ler mais aqui


"CrimethInc. began in the mid-1990's.
I can't report on the original goals of all the participants, but I can trace my own initial intentions to a discussion among some friends about the revolutionary organization Winston joins in Orwell's 1984. The idea came up that it was actually a branch of the government . . . and from there, we began to consider what the opposite kind of organization would be (one that purported to be a part of the culture industry that rules today, while secretly undermining it), and how to form one.
The irony, the margin-walking between contradictions, both were intrinsic to CrimethInc. from the beginning . . . and honestly, I can tell you no better now than I could have then whether we are just indulging reactionary desires by forming yet another "revolutionary organization," or heroically helping humanity to evolve past the despotism of such a thing by detourning/deconstructing the idea of the revolutionary organization."

CrimethInc. é uma organização de tipo celular, descentralizada que tenta fazer oposição a este modelo de socieadade.

Vale a pena ver em:

Vemo-nos Gregos...Queremos a nossa vida de volta!

Quinta feira, 22 de Janeiro, pelas 21.00 no bar do Teatro A Barraca.


Carvalho da Silva - Secretário Geral da CGTP
Rui Tavares - Historiador
José Soeiro - Sociólogo
João Romão - Economista e membro dos Precários Inflexíveis

Ler o artigo todo em:


Sussex News

Press Release:

Sussex Students for A Free Palestine.

Over 80 University of Sussex students have occupied a major lecture theatre in solidarity with Palestinians under siege.

Motivated by the escalating crisis in Gaza, University of Sussex students have issued a set of demands to the University Management calling for immediate action. The occupation is a response to the recent Israeli military assault on Gaza.

We stand in solidarity with The School of Oriental and African Studies, The London School of Economics, King’s College London, Birmingham and Essex Universities.

The occupied space will be used for education and dialogue until the following demands are met: We demand:

1. That the University of Sussex issue a statement condemning the recent and continuing atrocities perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza strip. The University should officially denounce the attacks on civilians, the systematic obstruction of humanitarian aid and the targeting of academic institutions, hospitals, places of worship and international peace keeping facilities.

2. That the University of Sussex cease to invest directly or indirectly in companies complicit in human rights abuses in the Gaza strip and internationally. We would like to draw attention to the motion passed on this subject in the USSU AGM of this academic year.

3. That no Israeli goods or goods produced by companies that have directly funded the State of Israel be sold on campus. The University of Sussex should remove these goods from all private retail and dining facilities as the Union is endeavouring to accomplish.

4. That the University of Sussex provide complete financial scholarships for three students from Al-Quds Open University in Tubas with which the University of Sussex is twinned, and three students from Gaza University which has been bombed by the Israeli military.

5. That any surplus educational resources available to the University of Sussex are provided to Gaza University and that the shipping of these resources be fully paid for by the University of Sussex.

6. That there be no legal, financial or academic measures taken against anyone involved in, or supporting, the occupation. This extends to the Student Union. Students involved will be guaranteed free movement in and out of the occupied space.

This is a non-violent and inclusive protest. Decisions are made through a process of consensus-based decision making. All University of Sussex students are encouraged to participate in this process.

During the occupation we will adhere to the same codes of personal conduct as is expected of us as members of the student community. Any disruption to our peers’ education is expressly against our wishes and we will respect the rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the right to disagree.

Sussex University students

ler em:

Universidades ocupadas em Inglaterra

Universidade de Birmigham foi ocupada e tem o seu manifesto reivindicativo em:

Também a Kings College University of London foi ocupada com as seguintes revindicações:

1) King's College London should issue a formal statement condemning Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip, acknowledging particularly the effect on educational institutions such as the bombing of the Gaza Islamic University and expressing concern about war crimes allegations. King's College should encourage other universities in the Russell Group to make such a call, as well as informing the national press and the UK and Israeli governments of this call.

2) Shimon Peres's honorary doctorate be immediately revoked by King's College London. As Israeli Head of State, and having issued public support for potential war crimes in the Gaza Strip, we believe that the vast majority of the King's College community would support this doctorate being immediately revoked as a gesture to show that King's College is concerned by Israel's actions in Gaza.

3) King's College London should provide five fully-funded scholarships to Palestinian students, giving such students an opportunity to an education which the attack on Gaza and the previous blockade has denied to them.

4) King's College London should facilitate a cross-campus fundraising day to raise money for the crisis in Gaza. This should be sent to the charity Medical Aid For Palestinians.

5) King's College London should establish links with universities and other educational institutions affected by the crisis in Gaza in solidarity with their plight.

6) King's College London should present us with a transparent list of investments in the arms trade, particularly those in GKN. King's College should divest immediately from the arms trade.

7) Any old books, computers or other unwanted teaching/administrative resources should as soon as possible or at the end of this term be donated to universities or schools in the Gaza Strip that have been affected by Israel's attack.

8) There should be no repercussions for any students involved in this protest. Universities should be a place where freedom of expression is encouraged, and the student movement in the UK and around the world has a proud tradition of organizing protest actions, whether against South African Apartheid or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Assinar a petição para revogar o Doutoramento Honoris Causa a Shimon Peres:

Ocupada mas sem noticias ainda está a Universidade de Sussex.
Aguardam-se novos desenvolvimentos e fica um desafio:
Fuck England, fight HERE!

Obama´s Inaugural Address (English)

Fuck England fight here!

Birmingham, Kings College London and Sussex students mount campus occupations in solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestinian students.

Uma boa ideia para importar de Londres.


Para quem não acredita em milagres

155 milagres em Nova York. O pessoal do tunning devia ter umas aulas de "mãozinhas" com estes senhores:

Capitão Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger e Jeff Skiles o seu co-piloto a fazer lembrar Hollywood.

Letterman's Top 10 George Bush moments

Em jeito de despedida este é o Top 10 dos melhores momentos que W. Bush nos proporcionou ao longo destes anos como Presidente escolhidos por David Letterman.
Vejam o nº1. É a prova que o Bush tem uma costela do Bairro Alto.

D10S esteve na Luz

Deus esteve na Catedral...como não podia deixar de ser passou aqui pela Tasca para me dar um abraço e deixar um autógrafo para o meu puto.

Até o Barbas perguntou ao Vieira quem era aquele gajo baixinho ao lado do Chico.

Aproveitei para trocar de camisola com ele já que a minha estava pingada com molho das iscas.
El Diego garantiu que em termos de petiscos quem tem mão de Deus sou eu.
Cada macaco no seu porta-bagagens como diz o meu mecânico.

Um minidocumentário dos nossos dias

Com meia dúzia de caricas este gajo fez um grande clip.
Vale a pena ver o SOS Mundo de Halloween:

You can't fire me, I'm drunk!

Noticia da Reuters: o supremo tribunal do Peru decidiu que um trabalhador não pode ser despedido por estar a trabalhar alcoolizado.
Deixa-me a pensar se não está na altura de fechar a Tasca e rumar ao Peru para fazer dinheiro a sério.

LIMA (Reuters) - Peru's top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk on the job, a decision that was criticized by the government on Wednesday for setting a dangerous precedent.
The Constitutional Tribunal ordered that Pablo Cayo be given his job back as a janitor for the municipality of Chorrillos, which fired him for being intoxicated at work.
The firing was excessive because even though Cayo was drunk, he did not offend or hurt anybody, Fernando Calle, one of the justices, said on Wednesday.
Calle said the court would not revise its decision, despite complaints from the government.
"It's not a good idea to relax rules at workplaces," said Labor Minister Jorge Villasante.
Celso Becerra, the administrative chief of Chorrillos, a suburb of Lima, denounced the ruling.
"We've fired four workers for showing up drunk, and two of them were drivers," he said. "How can we allow a drunk to work who might run somebody over?"

ler aqui

Israel fora de Gaza

É hoje a sessão pública de Solidariedade com a Palestina no Fórum Lisboa ás 21 horas...Depois há oferta de um copo de vinho de pacote aqui na Tasca a todos os participantes da sessão.

Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews

E quando pensamos que já não há nada que nos surpreenda...

The following speech Was delivered by Anti Zionist Orthodox Jews at the “Emergency Protest to Stop the Massacre in Gaza” rally, Rockefeller Center, New York City, December 27, 2008, 2.00 PM and again at a Protest in London on December 28, 2008

May our words be pleasing to the Creator and cause His Great Name to be sanctified.
Assalaam Aleikhum:

The world stands aghast as the atrocities being committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, becomes known in ever greater and shocking detail.
Mere words are insufficient to express the pain that all mankind feels at the plight of the Gaza and Palestinian people.
For over one hundred years, they have been subject to a carefully conceived plan, to drive them from their homes and their land.
Throughout their history, the Zionists have resorted to intimidation, war, ethnic cleansing and state—sponsored terrorism to achieve their goals.
This is, has been and continues to be, the criminal agenda of the Zionist movement. But among this movement’s greatest crimes, is that it has claimed to carry out these nefarious actions in the name of holiness, in the name of the Almighty, in the name of Judaism and the Jewish people !!
This is a wicked and monstrous lie !!
It is a desecration of our religion !!
Judaism forbids and rejects Zionism and the existence of the State of “Israel”. We have been expressly commanded by the Almighty that we are forbidden to have our own sovereignty in this heavenly decreed exile, we are also forbidden to rebel against any nation. Torah believing Jews, under the leadership of the most esteemed rabbis of the 20th century have always opposed and fought against Zionism and ultimately the State of “Israel”.
Unfortunately in recent years the Zionists have succeed in seducing and co—opting members of the religious community and some rabbis into support of not allowing the return of the rightful owners, the Palestinian people, to their land, by fear mongering, by appealing to their worst fears, that there is a religious conflict and that the Arabs always have had an ingrained hate for the Jews. Especially, they claim, that because of the many years of the existence of the State of “Israel”, if the Palestinians where to return to their land, they would massacre the Jews, may the Almighty protect us.
Anyone familiar with the ploys and techniques of the Zionist State is aware of this fact.
Before the advent of Zionism, Muslims and Christian, Arabs and Jews, lived peacefully together in the Holy Land, as in all the Muslim lands, — Ask your grandparents! — They remember those peaceful days! And in fact it is here the opportune time to thank all the Muslim countries for their extraordinary friendship, hospitality and safe haven that they have provided to the Jewish people throughout the ages!
The Zionists rely on the Bible, the Torah, for their imaginary right to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people and to subjugate them. This is a pathetic joke! The Zionists have always been heretics and rejected all the fundamental tenets of our faith, and yet they have the nerve, the arrogance, the audacity, the chutzpa, to pretend to base their behavior on our holy Torah.
We know what our holy writings and our great rabbis have taught us — that we are forbidden to subjugate or oppress anyone or to desecrate the holiness of the Holy Land with paths of violence, ethnic cleansing, discrimination and military power. Our religion teaches justice. It teaches peace. It teaches compassion. In fact, the greatest and ultimate hope and prayer of the Jewish people is, that when the Messiah comes that then “Nation shall no longer lift up sword against nation, and they will make war no more.” All nations will serve God together in peace.
To the governments of the world, it is not through your support of the Zionist regime — the State of “Israel”, that the Jewish people are being helped! On the contrary, this tragic historical mistake has led to the killing of Arabs and Jews alike. The governments of the great powers, by supporting the State of “Israel” are not only harming the Palestinian people but they are also unwittingly contributing to the growth of hostility towards Jews worldwide!
To our Jewish brethren, we beg! Do not be intimidated by ruthless Zionist bullying and violence!! — Proclaim loudly and clearly your outrage, pain and sympathy for the people of Gaza and that those who show contempt for the Torah, the teachings of our rabbis, and disregard the ethical and moral basics of our faith, have no right to speak on behalf of the Jewish People or Judaism!
We must tell the world that self rule, sovereignty and ALL the rights of the Palestinian people, must be restored throughout historic Palestine! This is a requirement of Jewish ethics and values! Jewish justice demands the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes, towns, villages and cities throughout Palestine! Tell the world, loudly and clearly, that you support Palestinian statehood over the ENTIRE Holy Land —— not despite your Jewish identity, but because of it.
To our Islamic brethren – let us speak up for the people of Gaza and please do not judge the Jewish faith or its people, on the basis of this passing lunacy of Zionism. The Jews have always been your friends and cousins. Do not allow your understandable anger to be directed at those who are innocent of wrongdoing, regardless of whether they reside in Occupied Palestine, Europe, or anywhere around the globe.
Together, people of all nations, may we be worthy, with God’s help, speedily and peacefully, without further suffering and bloodshed of anyone, be it Arab or Jew, to witness the peaceful end of the Zionist occupation over every inch of Palestine.
And may we yet merit to see, in the very near future, the revelation of the One God, over the entire world, with all mankind in His servitude, in joyous brotherhood.

Comunicado da Frente Popular de Libertação da Palestina

Começa-se a ver os explorados do mundo inteiro a unirem-se. Os jovens Gregos segundo vários sites independentes e mainstream conseguiram bloquear um carregamento de armas que fazia escala num porto Grego e que se destinava a Israel, fornecido pelos Estados Unidos da América.
Tudo devido ao comunicado abaixo publicado.

Leiam aqui e aqui e aqui .

Comunicado :

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls upon the Greek movement, the Greek people and all international progressive forces to halt the planned shipment of U.S. arms to Israel from the Greek port of Astakos. International media reports have revealed that the U.S. Navy is attempting to ship 325 20-foot containers of ammunition, over 3000 tons, in an emergency shipment of arms to aid the occupation in its ongoing war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza.The PFLP is calling upon the people of the world, and particularly the Greek movement to act to stop this shipment of arms. The U.S. has been attempting to hire a merchant ship to transport the weaponry to the Israelis at Asdud port in mid- to late January. This weaponry must not be allowed to enter the hands of the Israelis, where it will be used to massacre our people in Gaza! It must be stopped by all means!These bombs are going to be used in Israel's wars - against Palestinians, Lebanese, Arabs, Iranians, and the people of the region. This emergency shipment indicates that the occupier is demanding ever more weaponry in its futile war of massacres against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance.The demand of the Palestinian people, the Arab people, and all progressive forces - including the progressive forces in the U.S. - is the international isolation and the end of all U.S. aid to Israel. The U.S. government, however is Israel's strategic partner, and is committed to partnering with Israel in its massacres and crimes against our people. If they will not stop the arms shipment, the people of Greece and the people of the world must stop it for them!The PFLP salutes the Greek people - your unconditional solidarity and your mass demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people have sent a strong and powerful message of support, combined with aid, volunteers, and action on the ground. Your own courageous struggles for justice have inspired us and people around the world.We are calling upon:1. All Greek companies and all shipping companies to refuse to carry any shipment of arms to Israel. Any shipping company who carries these weapons has the blood of the people of Gaza on its hands!2. Greek workers and all port workers to refuse to load the cargo for any shipment of arms to Israel. The strong hands of Greek workers and Greek labor should not be sullied with this dangerous cargo!3. The Greek government to prohibit the use of its port to ship arms to the occupation state massacring our people!4. The Greek people, the Greek movement, and all international and progressive forces to take action to stop any such shipment from loading or leaving the port of Astakos!The PFLP is calling for your continuing unconditional solidarity and support to prevent the U.S. and Israel from using the land and ports of the Greek people a supply base for occupation, massacres, and crimes.The Greek people have a proud history and present of struggle. The relationship between the Arab people and the Greek people is strong and powerful and we call upon you today to march with us once again toward victory and justice for the Palestinian people and block this arms shipment!Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineJanuary 10, 2009

Socialist Voice

Um site com base no Canadá mas que abrange o mundo todo nas discussões de diversas visões socialistas no tempo em que vivemos.
Recomendado por um patricío emigrado na Terra Nova.

News from Gaza

As noticias mais tendenciosas possível. Absolutamente parciais, mostrando o que o resto dos Media não mostram sobre a guerra que Israel insiste em camuflar.

Contém imagens chocantes...para quem se choca com a injustiça e se revolta com a opressão.

Tasca Educativa

Instructables é dos sites mais interessantes que a net tem para oferecer. Faz mais pela educação que as novas oportunidades.
Desde aprender a fazer stencils até carregar um ipod com uma cebola...vale a pena porque é um verdadeiro bazar de conhecimento.


Aqui está Il Cavaliere no seu melhor.
Não virem costas aos políticos ou então é isto o que vos espera...mais vale votar para os tirar de lá.


Alpha Blondy mais actuais que nunca...estes gajos são uns amigos do meu puto que são tão poupadinhos que passam a vida a dividir cigarros entre eles á porta da minha Tasca.
Era bom não era ver cristãos judeus e muçulmanos a fazer o mesmo ás portas de Jerusalém?

Enough is enough

Acções de protesto contra o massacre da população de Gaza:

Dia 5 de Janeiro, Largo de S. Domingos (Rossio), 18 horas
Dia 8 de Janeiro, Embaixada de Israel, 17 horas.
Estas acções estão a ser convocadas e organizadas pela Tasca do Chico, CGTP, Comité de Solidariedade com a Palestina, CPPC, TPI, MDM, BE, Abril, FER, Rubra, PO, SOS Racismo, MDPPM, Gueto e outras entidades.
Pela minha parte não há muito mais a dizer.
Estou farto destes gajos que acham que têm mais direitos que os outros assim como estou farto do apoio dos seus lacaios americanos que tentam justificar o injustificável.
Primeiro tentam dividir os Palestinianos entre o Hamas e a Autoridade Palestiniana fomentando uma guerra civil e agora acham-se no direito de invadir (de novo) uma terra que não é a sua, com a desculpa do terrorismo...
O que eles querem é anexar o pouco que sobra aos Palestinianos, esquecem-se que o Chico já anda nisto há muitos anos, os anos suficientes para saber que foi Israel quem inventou o conceito de Terrorismo de Estado.
Cheira-me que se tivessem petróleo já teriam sido invadidos pelos E.U.A. por fazerem parte do "Axis of Evil".